Thursday, November 21, 2013

Anouncement for baby #2

Chad and Ann Anderson are expecting baby #2.  Soon to be big brother, Adrian and Big Sister, Sadie (puppy) are all aglow. Chad and Ann are good friends that have such a great family, a cute son, who gives great hugs, and Sadie who seems to give lots of love to anyone who walks in the door.  They are planning on heading closer to the cities, they will sure be missed, I wish them the best on their new lives in the cities and with the new baby. I can't wait to meet him/her.  BIG CONGRATS to you both!!!!

Big Cheesers Smile!

Big Brother will be reporting to duty in May of 2014!

So glad we did this shoot even though it was extremely short notice.  There are some great faces by the little man that were caught. He is sure busy, fun, and a yet again a great hugger. Congrats to the both of you, wish you guys the best!!! Your friend, Nikki-who happens to be a photographer :)

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