Thursday, November 21, 2013

Anouncement for baby #2

Chad and Ann Anderson are expecting baby #2.  Soon to be big brother, Adrian and Big Sister, Sadie (puppy) are all aglow. Chad and Ann are good friends that have such a great family, a cute son, who gives great hugs, and Sadie who seems to give lots of love to anyone who walks in the door.  They are planning on heading closer to the cities, they will sure be missed, I wish them the best on their new lives in the cities and with the new baby. I can't wait to meet him/her.  BIG CONGRATS to you both!!!!

Big Cheesers Smile!

Big Brother will be reporting to duty in May of 2014!

So glad we did this shoot even though it was extremely short notice.  There are some great faces by the little man that were caught. He is sure busy, fun, and a yet again a great hugger. Congrats to the both of you, wish you guys the best!!! Your friend, Nikki-who happens to be a photographer :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wyatt's 1 Year Old Aleardy!!!

This cute little monster that you will see below has turned 1 year old already.  He is so fast, fun, and has such a great smile.  Loved hanging out with him, big brother Jackson, and of course mom, Lacie. Thank you for sharing your little guy with me for the morning, I think we got some good ones.  Enjoy!!!

         The Fire truck goes VROOMMM!!! According to Wyatt, so cute how smart they are.
Who needs to sit on the chair the right way for photos, just have to be smarter than a 1 year old.  So stinking cute!!!

Fish face!!! 

Thank you Lacie for sharing your boys with me, it sure was a blast.  Wyatt is sure a ball of fun and Jackson just loves the lime light!  Gotta love em, hope you enjoy your photos!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Katie Kranda Senior Photos

Katie is a senior that is going to graduate this coming May.  She is a beautiful young lady inside and out.  She has such great goals in life and from the short time that I spent with her, I felt like she has a heart of gold.  I wish her the best of luck!!



A big thank you to Katie and her family for allowing me to shoot her senior photos.
Keep spreading the word, I love to shoot photos for any event. I'm loving all the new customers and of course the repeat customers.  Watching their families grow makes my heart smile. Have a good day everyone!!!

Anderson Family Photos 2013

 The Anderson Family 2013
I have worked with Bethany for the last couple years and I got the honor to photograph her family this fall.  They are such a beautiful family, their little girl Kendall is such a cutie pie!!! She did so good throughout the photo shoot.  I'm happy to share some of their photos from their shoot.  Enjoy!!
This photo makes me snicker every time, it makes me think she is saying, "just a minute mom, I have to put my shoes on."  She is so stinking cute!!

 I love her little sweater and boots, just adorable! 

 Thank you Anderson Family :)