Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Anderson family 2011

Here are some photos from my first new born shoot with my good friend and her new addition to their family.  We got together to shoot one month old photos of baby Adrian. He was wide awake during the shoot but was a little trooper.  Did capture some great pics and had a blast editing.

Ink foot prints of new baby Adrian.

Proud new Mommy!

Brand new baby Adrian, such a handsome little guy!

Baby Adrian photo cropped, edited.  Black and white with color.
Baby Adrian photo cropped, edited.  Sepia with color.
    Anderson family with baby Adrian, getting close to one year old. Boy time flys! We all got together for some photos for their Christmas card.  It was a challenge to shoot in yellow home lighting and trying to get baby and puppy to cooperate for some great pics.  It was a lot of fun, and Adrian sure has some great smiles and facial expressions.  What a little cutie!

Anderson Family 2011 

 Baby Adrian sitting in his grandpa's chair from when he was a little boy.

 Adrian looking towards his daddy, love his little jeans.  He is just a little cutie! Tried out black and white with a brush of color on the left and an original on the right.

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