Saturday, January 25, 2014

Kasey Gabriella 8 weeks young

Abby is a dear friend of mine, who invited me to take some pics of her new addition to the family. 
A little girl!!! Kasey Gabriella
Hope you enjoy some of the pics! :)

Kasey still snuggling with the blanket that her Aunty Nikki made her.  Ahh!!! Melts my heart.

Brotherly love!!! Such a sweet brother to his new little sister :)

Thank you Abby and Jacob for letting me snuggle this little bug.  I had a great time playing with big brother Brett and of course taking some photos of Kasey.  Hope you guys enjoy the sneak peak of a few photos.  See you soon!!!

Brodie Black 2014 Senior Photos

Brodie Black is graduating this spring of 2014.
Spent just a short time with Brodie and his mom Nancy, it was a great time, good challenges, and some great colors.  Interesting location, which even though the lighting was a challenge for me, I love how the colors pop.  Got some great shots of Brodie, enjoy!


Thank you Brodie and Nancy for allowing me to shoot your senior photos, hope you enjoy! 
Good luck with school and your future!!!

Rylie's 3 Month Photos

Nicole and Lance's little girl, Rylie.  She is such a little dolly.  Love her smile, little dimples and all her hair.  She is such a little cutie and could just kiss her little cheeks off.


Daddy love!  Such a great dad, I think she has him wrapped around her little finger.

Momma love!!!  Just a little love bug.  So sweet!

Thank you Nicole and Lance for allowing me to photograph your precious little girl!!!! It was great seeing you guys and can't wait till the next photo shoot!!  She is growing so fast!